Probe Sonicator (Prime Series)

Probe Sonicator (Prime Series)

Probe Sonicator Prime Series Manufacturers in Nashik, Maharashtra, India

A probe sonicator, also known as an ultrasonic probe or ultrasonic homogenizer, is a device used for various applications in laboratories, research facilities, and industrial settings. It employs ultrasonic energy to disrupt cells, break down particles, emulsify liquids, and perform other processes requiring the application of high-frequency sound waves.

Industries we serve :

Model AP_TT_PSP_250  AP_TT_PSP_500
Ultrasonic power (watts) 250 500
Ultrasonic freq (Khz) 20 20
Probe Diameter (mm) 12 20
Sample Volume (ml)  1-250  25-500
Display Titanium
Programmable Timer (On /Off Pulse) (min) 90
On/Off Duty Cycle (Sec) 1 to 20
Operaon Temp Range (°C) Ambient to +60
Display Res for Temp ( °C) 0.1
Temp Stability (°C) 1
User Profile 1 to 10
Supply Power Spec (VAC) 230 V, 6 amp, 50 Hz
Accessories  Sound enclosure box, support stand & Jack
Note* : Available in required probes/frequency.

Probe Sonicator (Prime Series) Manufacturers in Nashik, India | Aureole Pharma Tech

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